Supercar Active Aero

We developed the electro-hydraulic control system for the most sophisticated active aero system on any road car.


Designed, engineered and built to be the best driver’s car in the world, the P1 followed a strict design philosophy of “shrink wrapping” the body around the mechanicals. Whilst beautiful, it left McLaren with extremely little package space for the rear wing if the P1 was to achieve high speed stability. It needed to produce more downforce than any road car.


We designed an active aerodynamic system comprising of an electro-hydraulic rear wing and electro-mechanical front flaps. Variable lift and pitch position was incorporated to increase downforce for optimum handling and decrease downforce in a Formula 1 style “DRS” mode for higher straight-line speed. After the prototype, we commissioned a bespoke manufacturing facility to deliver production and testing.


We delivered a fully functional prototype system in just 8 months meeting the tight package specified. 375 production units followed in the next 18 months. All units were supplied as plug-and-play systems directly to our customer’s production line.

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